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Private Dining Chef

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Stefan Pratama

Stefan is a chef cum financial analyst. He left Indonesia from his primary age, studied in Singapore and North Carolina before he returned to Medan, to continue his family business. He held a few session of private dinner - where he cooks mystery dishes for his clientele. His dishes changes every session and flawlessly display his marvelous self-taught culinary skill. 
Stefan loves trying weird food and travel. He contributes to Travel section of the blog.
Follow his IG @stefanpratama.

Aljelin Beh

Aljelin is a restaurateur who manages not one, but two large venues, Istana Koki & Koki Sunda. She was brought up in an entrepreneur family, and went to US to pursue her tertiary study, following which, she was requested to return home to look after the family's culinary business. 
Aljelin enjoys visiting new venues to dine with friends and regularly contributes to Venue Focus section.
Follow her IG @aljelin.

Sylvia Yunus

Sylvia, a self proclaimed indie hippie, are bestowed with talent in photography. She attended her university study in Melbourne. Just like Melburnians, Sylvia leads fun, laid-back personality. She is a coffee addict who is responsible for beautiful photographs in the blog.
Follow her IG @aljelin.
Unknown Web Developer

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