Sunday 31 May 2015

Venue Focus: The Thirty-six Medan, Velvety Tulip Cappuccino

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Located across the shophouse complex of Multatuli, right by the main street, occupies a whitebrick mansion called The Thirty Six. A rustic and unpretentious decoration embellishes the building.

The venue boost typical design of Australian coffee establishment, from old-fashioned string lights to industrial pallet furniture, along with hand-drawn murals, gray concrete floor, and glass dominated walls, It recently underwent renovation, but retains its good old industrial looks.

Expectations flew high when we saw quotes of “Food is on the menu, but it’s the caffeine that will get you to our door”. Considering the recent cafĂ©-booms in Medan, that is a bold statement to make. Yet, as soon as we had our first sip of latte, we were SOLD! Perhaps it was the magic of barista and La Marzocco epsresso machine that made it possible.

Typical dinner here would cost IDR 90K/pax for a main & drink, still a money worth paying for the comfy venue, great coffee and decent food.

Jalan Multatuli No.36, Medan
+6261 4530970

Well Done
The Coffee & Fish n Chips
Comfy industrial style decor
Parking spaces

Can be improved
Mac n Cheese & Pasta dishes, esp on presentation
outdoor seating needs stronger portable air-con / fan

PS: News has it that they are preparing to open a new outlet in Ring Road Citywalk Mall. (TBC)

Unknown Web Developer

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